Alanya Medi Black(Alanya Black)

Alanya Medi Black(Alanya Black)

Product Details

Technical Specifications
Hardness 4 Mohs
Unite Volume Weight 2.70 gr/cm³
Unite Volume Density 2.73 gr/cm³
Water Absorption at Atm Pressure
by volume 0.2 %
by weight 0.5 %
Water Absorption at Boiling Water
by volume 0.3 %
by weight 0.7 %
Porosity 0.5 %
Compressive Strength 1019 Kgf/cm²
Compressive Strength after freezing 1019 Kgf/cm²
Strength to Blow 3 Kgf/cm²
Strength to Bending 132 Kgf/cm²
Modules of Elasticity 10.65 Kgf/cm²
Ratio of Fullness 98.9 %
Degree of Pores 1.1 %
Average Abration Strength 18.8 cm/50cm²
Average Tensile Strength 6.1 Kgf/cm²
SiO2 1.25 %
FeO3 0.69 %
MgO 0.40 %

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